We were really looking forward to a comp with a difference, an outdoor comp surrounded by the Highland Games, Bagpipe competition, markets and more.
Unfortunately - this was the weather we were dealing with!

Never have I been happier to hear the words "we are dancing inside! Sure "inside" was a small very cramped hall and their was no real stage - but who cared! It rained on and off all day and the stage (in the background in this picture) would have been slippery, wet and dangerous to dance on. We did have to get a picture with the stage at least in the distance though!
E was absolutely thrilled that her teacher Marlene travelled all the way from Brisbane to be with the girls. Totally was not expected given the distance away the comp was. It did make for a very nice day though and gave the girls a lot of encouragment.
It was also wonderful that another beginner from the Brisbane branch of the studio was able to be there. The girls loved having someone else to talk to and had a lot of fun. I do love how friendships are beginning to form between the girls despite the distance due to a wonderful common interest.
E ended up getting brilliant results at this competition! Well worth the drive! She got second in the fling, lilt, and sean tribhuas and first in the flora!
And another beginner square marked! Novice is so close and she can't wait!